Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Blizzard Bag Information

Mongolian Ice and Snow Festival

You know how we Blizz in WHAP? Like the MONGOLS. Yup. That's how we roll.

You have two components to your Blizzard Bag.

1. You each should have hard copies at home of the Mongols DBQ I handed out yesterday in class. Digital copies located HERE. Please fill out the document chart HERE - Attribute, Characteristics and Sourcing columns ONLY.  This chart walks you through breaking down the DBQ documents individually, making note of various components and beginning the process of document analysis. We will work on grouping and thesis development together as a group. For more information on the different categories of analysis on the chart, check out the Powerpoint located HERE.

2. If you have internet or can use you phone (parental approval for data plan required) please travel to the Caribbean, to the site of "first contact" between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres (I know, I know, Vikings, Greenland!! But, bear with me, I'm going with the colonization narrative here), the island of Hispaniola. The video is linked on the Blizzard Bag page on the right of the blog along with a series of video questions.

Please let me know if you have any issues with links or need further clarification on the assignments. In the case of no power, just do your best. Work on the hard copies of the DBQ or see if you can plug along on the Early Modern Era Map - OR - finalize your Southernization questions that were due today.

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